
Scheda mediaset premium
Scheda mediaset premium

scheda mediaset premium

These advanced solutions are based on the technology of the ‘Infostrada TV Box’, the decoder made by Motorola that combines a digital terrestrial receiver, a latest generation IPTV set-top box and a digital recorder in a single device. The option and pay-per-view channels offered by pay-TV are also distributed. Infostrada TV offers more than 170 channels of the SKY television platform: from the thematic channels of the World package, to Cinema and those dedicated to Sport and Football. Infostrada TV works by connecting the home television to the normal Infostrada ADSL line and allows access to all the main national digital terrestrial channels as well as a selection of international channels and the complete SKY offer. With Infostrada TV Wind completes its offer of fixed telephony, mobile and internet. Infostrada TV, Wind’s Iptv, a multimedia service that allows you to personalize your television and that uses the Alcatel-Lucent solution that integrates Microsoft’s Mediaroom platform.

Scheda mediaset premium